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Alexandr Zhitkovskiy

    • Alexandr Zhitkovskiy has been at HSE University since 2017.
    Language Proficiency
    Address: 11 Pokrovsky Bulvar, Pokrovka Complex, room T604
    S. E. Pekarski
    Printable version

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    Highlight it, click Ctrl+Enter and send us a message. Thank you for your help!
    To be used only for spelling or punctuation mistakes.


    Project Head, International Economics Olympiad (IEO): ecolymp.org

    • Defines the scope of work necessary for the development and implementation of the project.
    • Estimates the duration of work.
    • Defines the goals, objectives, and results of the project.
    • Thinks over and draws up a plan for the preparation and implementation of the project, defines control points.
    • Determines the amount and estimates the cost of resources required to carry out the project.
    • Analyzes the possible impact of deviations in the volume of work performed on the course of the project as a whole.
    • Estimates the cost and determines the budget of the project.
    • Selects a project team.
    • Defines the professional skills needed by the project team members.
    • Supervises the preparation of the necessary documentation for the implementation of a new project.
    • Provides timely collection, accumulation, distribution, storage and subsequent use of project information.
    • Monitors compliance with the timing of the development and implementation processes.
    • Monitors deviations from the plan, makes adjustments to the plan and coordinates it with all project participants.
    • Monitors and tracks development and implementation activities and, if necessary, adjusts these processes.


    Head of the Project Laboratory for Development of Intellectual Competitions in Economics

    •  Coordination of administrative and technical processes of the laboratory.
    • Coordination of the work of the laboratory staff.
    • Planning and control of income and expenses.
    • Coordination of interaction between the IEO governing bodies, local organizing committee, and national coordinators of the participating countries.
    • Coordination of fundraising processes.
    • Supervision of internal working processes of the laboratory.
    • Keeping track of the internal and external tasks, monitoring the timing of their execution.


    Bachelor in Management
    HSE University, Management

    Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

    2015, Moscow Gestalt Institute, Moscow, Practical Psychology, 2 years.