Sergei V. Zakharov
- Chief Research Fellow: Vishnevsky Institute of Demography
- Sergei V. Zakharov has been at HSE University since 2007.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- French
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (495) 772-95-90
11811 - Address: 3 Bolshoy Tryokhsvyatitelsky Pereulok, room 301
- SPIN-RSCI: 1456-2583
- ORCID: 0000-0002-1653-4264
- ResearcherID: K-4797-2015
- Scopus AuthorID: 7102360958
- Google Scholar
- Blogs
- Supervisor
- M. B. Denisenko
- Assistant
- E. Mitrofanova (Administrator, Research Group)
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Coordination of scientific research at the HSE Institute of Demography, directing of the Center for Demographic Research, elaboration of plans and programs for the long-term development of research, preparation proposals and applications on behalf of the HSE Institute of Demography for fundamental and applied research projects, working-out of official reports on the scientific activities of the Institute of Demography, responsible editing of the annually published collective demographic review "Population of Russia" on the results of studies carried out under the HSE Program of Basic Research, member of the Scientific Commitee of the Institute of Demography, Editor-in-chief of the HSE peer-review journal "Demographic Review".
Education and Degrees
Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population of the Academy of Sciences and the State Committee on Labour of the USSR
Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics, Statistics
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience
1991-1992 (9 months) Visiting Scholar at Institut National D'Études Démographiques, 'Bourse Diderot', Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Fondation Reconnue d'utilité publique (Paris, France)
2012 (6 months) Invited Professor at Institute of Economic Research (KIER), Kyoto University (Kyoto, Japan)
2018-2019 (9 months) Research Fellow, L'Institute D'Études Avancées de Nantes (Nantes, France)
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2020–2022, 2014
Postgraduate Studies
1984-1989 USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute for Sociological Studies, Graduate course in Economy of Population and Demography
Courses (2021/2022)
- Contemporary Research of Fertility and Family Formation (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Sociology; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Economic Demography (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 4 year, 2, 3 module)Rus
- Economic Demography (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 3 year, 2, 3 module)Rus
- Economic Demography (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 2 year, 2, 3 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Theory and Methodology of Population Studies" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Sociology; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Theory and Methodology of Population Studies" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Economics, field of study Sociology, field of study Sociology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2020/2021)
- Contemporary Research of Fertility and Family Formation (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Sociology; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Economic Demography (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Economic Sciences field of study Economics; 2 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Theory and Methodology of Population Studies" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Sociology; 2 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- Research Seminar "Theory and Methodology of Population Studies" (Master’s programme; Faculty of Social Sciences field of study Sociology; 1 year, 1-4 module)Rus
- 2023
Fertility and Family Dynamics in Migrant and Minority Groups: Current Research and New Approaches in Times of Crises (Wiesbaden). Presentation: Fertility of Ethnic Minorities of Russia in the Context of State Pronatalist Measures
- 2021
"XXII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества" (Москва). Presentation: Рождаемость в регионах России: динамика изменений c 2000 г. по 2019
"XXII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества" (Москва). Presentation: ВКЛАД А. Г. ВИШНЕВСКОГО (1934-2021) в ИНСТИТУАЛИЗАЦИЮ ДЕМОГРАФИЧЕСКОЙ НАУКИ В РОССИИ
Первые демографические чтения памяти А.Г. Вишневского «Демографические горизонты России и мира на среднесрочную и долгосрочную перспективу» (Москва). Presentation: Долгосрочная эволюция рождаемости в России
DIRECTIONS OF POPULATION CENSUS DATA USE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (Ташкент). Presentation: Census data in demographic analysis of family formation and fertility
- 2020
XXi Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Свобода выбирать: намерения расстаться и их реализация у мужчин и женщин в России
IV Российский экономический конгресс «РЭК-2020» (Москва). Presentation: Анализ и прогнозирование российской рождаемости на основе специальных таблиц рождаемости с учетом очередности рождения для условных и реальных поколений
- 2019
Centre d’études des Mondes Russe, Caucasien & Centre-Européen CNRS / EHESS (Париж). Presentation: The pro-natalist policy in Russia – a comparative and historical perspective
Seminar at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Nantes (Нант). Presentation: Demographic Measurement of Nationalism: Contemporary Russian Pronatalism Policy in Comparative and Historical Perspective
«Демографические тенденции в России: наследие советского времени или новый поворот?» (Москва). Presentation: Fertility Prospects in Russia through the prism of the past two decades
- 2018
XIX Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Брачная и внебрачная рождаемость в России: методологические проблемы демографического анализа
European Population Conference 2018 (Брюссель). Presentation: Fertility Behavior of Russians, Russian Migrants and Estonians: The Role of Repartnering
First Russian Readings Seminar (Oxford). Presentation: Ten-Year Pronatalist Population Policy in Russia (2007-2017): Modest Demographic Results at Federal Level and Increased Contrasts Between Regions
- 2017
Fertility of Migrants and Minorities (Ганновер). Presentation: Fertility Trends and its Ethnic Dimensions in Russia During the Last Three and Half Decades
Behaviour patterns of immigrant Russians in comparison to origin and destination countries (Таллинн). Presentation: Trends and Ethnic Differentials of Fertility in Russia in Last Decades
Международная конференция: Демографическое развитие России на мировом фоне: дивергенция или конвергенция? (Москва). Presentation: Рождаемость послевоенных поколений русских и эстонцев: общие и специфические, конвергентные и дивергентные тренды
Challenges of Global Political Demography: The Politics and Policies of Population Change and Cooperation (Дуйсбург). Presentation: Global Political Demography: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
Behaviour patterns of immigrant Russians in comparison to origin and destination countries (Таллинн). Presentation: Trends and Ethnic Differentials of Fertility in Russia in Last Decades
- 2016
XVII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Специальные таблицы рождаемости с учетом очередности рождения для поколений российских женщин, родившихся в 1955-1989 гг.: методика построения, интерпретация результатов
X Всероссийская научная конференция памяти Юрия Левады "Современное российское общество и социология" (Москва). Presentation: Рождаемость в повторных союзах: позволяет ли вступление в новый супружеский союз достичь идеала двухдетной семьи?
European Population Conference 2016 (Mainz). Presentation: Postponement and Recuperation in Russia's Cohort Fertility: Does the Pronatalist Policy Contributes to the Acceleration or Deceleration of the Postponement Transition?
- 2015
Population Association of America 2015 Annual Meeting (Сан-Диего). Presentation: Fertility after Repartnering in Russia: Pursuing the Two-Child Ideal in a Context of Increased Marital Complexity
8th International Conference on Population Geographies (Брисбен). Presentation: Spatial Differences in Fertility in Today's Russia: Uneven Responses to the Pronatalist Policy within the Context of Historical Trends
Демографическая история и демографическая теория: от описания к объяснению (Москва). Presentation: Новейшие тенденции рождаемости в России в свете существующих демографических теорий
Emerging Issues in Low Fertility and Ageing Societies (Сеул). Presentation: First Demographics Results oh the Recent Pronatalist Policy in Russia
- 2014
Европейская конференция по народонаселению (EPC-2014. "Gender, Policies and Population")) (Будапешт). Presentation: Evaluating the contemporary Russia’s pronatalist family policy: evidence from demographic data and surveys
- 2013
Economic Growth in Conditions of Globalization. Session: 'Demographic Development: Challenges for Social Policies' (Кишинев). Presentation: Одинокое материнство в России: оценка распространенности и анализ механизмов формирования
Второй Российский экономический конгресс (РЭК-2013) (Суздаль). Presentation: Уровень рождаемости в России: проблемы измерения
Демографические проблемы в контексте модернизации российского общества (Москва). Presentation: Демографические проблемы в контексте модернизации российского общества
Низкая рождаемость и низкая смертность: наблюдаемая реальность и образы будущего (Москва). Presentation: Lowest low fertility in Russia: Reality or problems of measurement?
Семейная и демографическая политика в Республике Башкортостан (Уфа). Presentation: Комментарии к Докладу о развитии человеческого потнециала в Республике Башкортостан "Семья и человеческое развитие"
First International Conference on Political Demography and Social Macro-Dynamics (Москва). Presentation: First International Conference on Political Demography and Social Macro-Dynamics
First International Conference on Political Demography and Social Macro-Dynamics (Москва). Presentation: Political Demography and Russia’s Past and Future
1st Russian-Swiss Innovation Day (Лозанна). Presentation: Demographic Challenges and Population Oriented Policy: Russia Needs a New Paradigm
Editorial board membership
International projects
Since 2002 – Research Leader, The Russian Counterpart of the International Project “Generations and Gender Programme”, promoted and coordinated by the United Nations European Commission for Europe (Population Activities Unit) and the International Consortium of Research Centers.
Since 2015 – Project Coordinator, International collaborative Russia-Estonia-France Project ‘Russian Families in Different Countries Compared to Ethnic Majority’. supported by the Euro-Russian Academic Network Plus (ERANET Plus), the Programme of European and International Cooperation funded with support from the European Commission, and the special tripartite Grant from the Russian Foundation for Humanities, and Estonian Research Council, and French Embassy in Russian Federation.
Since 2014 – Principal Expert, The Russian Counterpart of the International Project ‘Prospects for a fertility increase in the formerly socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe’ collaborative undertaking of scholars from 15 formerly socialist countries conducted under the aegis of the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford, UK
2006–2009 - Principal Expert, International collaborative Russia-France-Georgia-Lithuania Project ‘Social Policy towards Modern Family in the Context of the Transformation of Family and Marital Relations’, supported by the European Union (INTAS Programme).
2000-2001 – Senior Research fellow, Project ‘Demographic Modernization in Russia throughout the 20th century’, supported by the special grant from the John D. and Katherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, USA).
1999-2000 – Research fellow, Project ‘Policies for the Control of the Transition’s Mortality Crisis in Russia’, supported by the UNDP (Moscow).
1999-2000 – Leader, Project ‘Reproductive Behavior and Reproductive Health of Adolescent People in Russia. An Analytical Overview’, The Futures Group Int.-RTI-CEDPA POLICY Project supported by the USAID.
1999 - Leader, Project ‘Intergenerational Interaction in Russian Family and Society: Searching for a New Social and Demographic Policy’ supported by a grant from the Moscow Scientific Foundation/Ford Foundation.
1998 - Research fellow, Project ‘Social Inequality in Russian mortality’, supported by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation.
1996-1998 - Research fellow, Project ‘Human Resources of Russian Federation: Geographical analysis of the Spatial structure and Dynamics’ supported by the European Union (INTAS Programme).
1996-1997 - Senior Research fellow, Project on Adult Mortality in Russia in the 90s, supported by the United Kingdom Goverment’s ‘Know-How’ Fund, part of the Department for International Development.
1996-1997 - Research fellow, International Project ‘Demographic Dynamics in Russia’, supported by the European Union (INTAS Programme).
1995-1996 - Manager and Scientific Adviser, Project ‘Family Planning and Public Health Policy in Russia: Shift from Abortion to Contraception in Transitional Society’, supported by a grant from the John D. and Katherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Moscow - Chicago, USA).
1995-1996 - Leader, Project ‘Population of Russia and Europe: Diverging in the Past and Converging in the Future?’, supported by a grant from the Research Support Scheme of Open Society Institute/SOROS Foundation (Prague, Czech Republic).
1993-1996 - Co-Leader, Project Self-regulation of the Demographic Systems in a Changing Diverse Society, supported by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Studies.
1992-1996 - Co-Leader, Project ‘New Demography’, supported by a grant from the Cultural Initiative Foundation/SOROS Foundation (Moscow).
1992-1995 - Co-Leader, French-Russian joint project ‘Atlas démographique et historique de la Russie et de l'URSS’ (Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques/ Paris; L'Ecole des Etudes en Sciences Sociales/Paris and Centre of Demography and Human Ecology/Moscow), supported by le Ministère de la Recherche de la France.
Employment history
Since 2021 Chief Research Fellow, A.G. Vishnevsky Institute of Demography, National Research University - Higher School of Ecocnomics (HSE IDEM, Moscow), Editor-in Chief, Peer-reviewed HSE Journal 'Demographic Review'
2007 - 2021 Deputy Director, Institute of Demography, National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE IDEM, Moscow), Professor in Demography, HSE Faculty of Social Sciences
1993 - 2006 Head of the Laboratory of Population Estimates and Projections, Center for Demography and Human Ecology, Institute for Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences
1992 - 1993 Head, Laboratory of Analysis of Population Dynamics, Center of Demography and Human Ecology, Institute for Employment Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Labor (Moscow)
1991 - 1992 Research Fellow, Center of Demography and Human Ecology Institute for Employment Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Labor (Moscow)
1988 - 1991 Research Fellow, Department of Demography, Institute for Socioeconomic Studies of Population, USSR Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Labor (Moscow)
1986 - 1988 Associate Research Fellow, Department of Demography Institute of Sociological Studies, USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
1981 - 1986 Assistant-Professor, Chair of Health Statistics,Central Institute for Advanced Medical Studies,USSR Ministry of Public Health (Moscow)
Search Query: How to Study Migration with Google Trends
Experts have calculated that the number of international students in Russia has grown six times over the last decade, and researchers say that many of those who are studying today would like to stay in the country. This, alongside issues such as why Google Trends are worth looking into, were covered at the HSE XXIV Yasin International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development section on demography and labour markets.
Demography and Social Policy: First Readings in Memory of A.G. Vishnevsky Held at HSE University
The Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center, together with the Vishnevsky Institute of Demography and the International Laboratory for Population and Health, organized the first demographic readings in memory of HSE University Professor Anatoly Vishnevsky, the first director of the Institute. The experts in attendance discussed a wide range of topics, including family policy, how to improve the conditions of low-income people, and how to correct market and employment setbacks.
Planning for Babies
How many children Russian families would like to have
Divorce According to Plan
Who ends relationships most often—and why
Expert on Soviet Economic and Demographic History Speaks at HSE
On October 10, Stephen Wheatcroft, Professor of the School of Historical Studies at the University of Melbourne delivered a lecture on ‘The importance of the grain problem in the Russian Revolution and for the next 40 years of Soviet Economics' at HSE Moscow as part of a long and busy schedule. A participant at previous April Conferences at HSE, Professor Wheatcroft is one of the world’s foremost experts on Soviet social, economic and demographic history, as well as famine and food supply problems in modern world history.
Research seminar "The Shadow of the Family: Historical Roots of Particularism in Europe"
Speakers — Aleksey Oshchepkov (Center for Labour Market Studies HSE) and Maria Kravtsova (Laboratory for Comparative Social Research HSE).
of marriages in Russia today are likely to end in divorce.
2.5 years
is the average difference in age between men and women marrying for the first time in Russia.
of children in Russia today are born outside of wedlock.
is the number of births that a woman from the generation born in the latter half of the 1980s can expect in her lifetime. This number is significantly lower than the replacement rate for the population.
Researching the Past in Order to Foresee the Future
During the conference Low Fertility and Low Mortality: Observable Reality and Visions of the Future, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the HSE Institute of Demography, leading international researchers not only presented their reports, but also shared their impressions about their collaborations with their Russian colleagues.