HSE Team Wins!
On October 30th as part of the elimination round of the Global Management Challenge competition, the Business Administration Cup for Engineering Students and Competition in Company Management for corporate managers took place.
HSE Explores Possible Worlds
On October 29th and 30th an international conference on ‘Ontology of Possible Worlds’ took place at the HSE. It was organized by the HSE Faculty of Philosophy together with the University de Caen (Normandy, France).
‘Transformation of Ontologies: theoretical foundations and software platform for complex distributed systems’ by Eduard Babkin
A book by Eduard Babkin ‘Transformation of Ontologies:theoretical foundations and software platform for complex distributed systems ’has recently been published by Lambert Academik Publishing, Koln.
Potential Demand
The HSE Publishing House took part in the Frankfurt Book Fair which ran from October 13th to 18th this year.
Global Relations
On October 19th a meeting of the HSE International College of Economics and Finance with the British Ambassador in Russia, Anne Pringle, took place at the HSE. The Ambassador gave a lecture on ‘The Global Economy and An Overview of British-Russian Relations ’.
Noblesse Oblige
Isak Froumin, Academic Supervisor of the HSE Institute for the Development of Education, told us what the status of the National Research University means for the Higher School of Economics and how this status has been gained.
Sustainable World Order in the 21st Century
Can the competition between countries change into cooperation? Why have the mechanisms of power hegemony and ‘democracy clubs’become outdated? Where might the policy of cultural discrimination lead? On October 19th Harald Muller, Executive Director and Head of Research Department of the Frankfurt Peace Research Institute, gave a lecture at the HSE .
HSE and University of Luxembourg: Expanding the Collaboration
In October the HSE Faculty of Law and the University of Luxembourg Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance signed a cooperation agreement . Evgeniy Salygin, Dean of the HSE Faculty of Law, spoke to us about this.
‘Research is the Lifeblood of the Faculty’
Mark Urnov, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Political Science, told us about the results of the negotiations on the launch of joint Master’s programmes between the faculty and American universities, as well as about research plans, reforms of the educational process and Chinese writing.
HSE and CFA: a Special Level of Knowledge and Honour
The HSE Banking Institute has become a partner of the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Institute, which unites about 70000 certified financial analysts worldwide. Vasily Solodkov, Director of the HSE Banking Institute and Richard Hainsworth, President of CFA Association (Russia), told us about this joint programme.