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hours are spent each week on courses, clubs, workshops and lessons with tutors by primary- and secondary-school students who are involved in supplementary education.

This is slightly more time than they spend walking outside (7.2 hours per week).

Children spend 6.4 hours per week sitting in front of computers (although during this time they may be pursing education in addition to playing games or communicating on social media). TV and reading each take up the same amount of time (5.6 hours).

This data comes from a questionnaire given to parents whose children attend extracurricular activities. The qeustionnaire was part of a survey carried out by HSE in cooperation with the Levada Center* as part of the Higher School of Economics’ Monitoring Economics of Education

These data are contained in a report by Sergey Kosaretsky, Director of the HSE Institute of Education; Boris Kupriyanov, senior research fellow at the Institute; and Darya Filippova, an analyst at the Institute. The results of the study were presented at a seminar held by the Institute of Education called ‘Current Research and Development in the Field of Education’.

* Решением Минюста РФ Левада-Центр включён в реестр некоммерческих организаций, выполняющих функции иностранного агента.

See also:

Lyceum Classes with Support from HSE: School Students from Uzbekistan Visit HSE University

HSE University has welcomed students of the International House Tashkent Academic Lyceum at TIIAME National Research University, Uzbekistan. The students are participants in the educational project 'Lyceum Classes with Support from HSE,' initiated by the International Admissions Office and implemented since 2022 in collaboration with faculties of HSE University and foreign educational institutions.

Programming & Real Life: Results of the PROD Olympiad

The HSE Cultural Centre recently hosted an awards ceremony for the winners of the PROD Olympiad. This is the first-ever industrial IT-development competition for 9th–11th graders in Russia, organised by HSE University, Tinkoff Bank, and the Central University (Moscow). About 4,000 people from 89 regions of Russia, as well as from Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, China, and Turkmenistan, participated in the qualifying stage, with 43 people emerging as eventual winners.

‘It Doesn’t Test, It Teaches’: Hackathon for DANO Data Analysis Olympiad Held in Nizhny Novgorod

A hackathon was held in Nizhny Novgorod for students in grades 9–11 as part of the Data Analysis National Olympiad (DANO). More than 90 school students in grades 9–11 from Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and the surrounding region, St Petersburg, Samara, Cheboksary, and Ufa—a total of 15 Russian regions—took part in the hackathon.

Over 7,000 Students Take Part in Data Analysis National Olympiad

Data analysis enthusiasts from different regions of Russia and 13 foreign countries recently took part in the Data Analysis National Olympiad (DANO). The results of the first round will be announced on October 20th.

Submarine and French Confectioner's Shop—Winners of the Top Class Research Competition Announced

This year’s final stage of Top Class, the All-Russian Competition of Schoolchildren’s Research and Projects, held by HSE University, has come to a close. About a thousand 8th—11th graders from 7 countries and 69 regions of Russia participated in the contest. The winners and runners-up were announced at the closing ceremony in the HSE Cultural Centre. They received special prizes from partner companies.

Why High-Ability School Graduates Choose Low-Quality Universities

According to the findings of HSE researchers, up to one-quarter of school graduates in Moscow enrol in low-quality universities despite scoring highly on their Unified State Exam, the final school exam and a standard university admission mechanism in Russia. This academic mismatch limits their life opportunities and often stems from unequal starting conditions in the family and at school.


schools in 14 regions across Russia were visited this year by HSE students taking part in a programme to tell school-age pupils about the university. Approximately 2,000 upper-class pupils took part in these sessions.


of parents believe that the content of tests can prevent their children from passing the BSE (Basic State Exam) after the 9th grade. 


students took part in the first Summer Profession-Oriented School for upper-class students of the lyceum, as well as basic and partner schools of the HSE University Educational District.


of school-age students are regularly or occasionally given physical punishment at home for bad behaviour.