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Professor Martin Gilman: Moscow – an Unlikely but Advantageous place to work

Martin Gilman, the Director of Centre for Advanced Studies of the HSE has been the Head of CAS in Moscow since 2006. Today we asked Dr. Gilman about the current situation in the international recruitment of academic staff. 

— Dr. Gilman, can you, please, provide an update on what’s new in the international recruitment in the HSE?

— The new wave of international recruitment of academic staff is a key component of the drive toward the internationalization of HSE.  The tenure-track recruitment system we have in place for a number of our faculties is a major stepping stone in moving towards the realization of HSE ambitions to become a major international research university within the next few years.

I’d like to focus on our relatively recent approach to post-doctoral fellowships. The HSE is now advertising post-doctoral research positions for 1 year fellowships in 21 of HSE's research laboratories and centers. Formally we established a postdoctoral fellowship program last year which was a kind of an experiment. Thus we came into the academic year 2012 -2013 with one post-doc in history and three in sociology.

— What’s the role of post-doctoral fellowships in the research life of university?

— Post- doctoral fellowships play an important role in the life of an international research university. These programs are aimed at people who have PhD from good international research university and are looking for an opportunity to spend a year and concentrate on writing articles for international peer-review journals without heavy teaching obligations. It’s kind of a spin off after the PhD.  It’s clear that anyone who wants to have a successful academic career will face the necessity of publishing in the top international peer-reviewed journals. For a newly minted PhD that’s a daunting prospect. HSE is the right place for that.

— What’s HSE offering for the academic year 2013-2014?

— We offer to these newly minted PhDs an opportunity to spend a year here in Moscow, working in one of HSE research centers or laboratories with other scholars in areas very similar to their own interests. Although we encourage teaching, there are no teaching obligations.  HSE offers a great variety of research opportunities and we hope that fresh PhDs will find a lab or a project that correspond to their own research interests. I am convinced that they could have enormous synergy by spending a year here in an environment which will encourage them to produce and to publish in international recognized peer-review journals. All details are at the https://iri.hse.ru/post_docs 

— How would you formulate the advantages of working in HSE in Moscow?

— Moscow may be seen as a very exotic place in terms of the international academic job market in most disciplines. Some people may also have concerns of moving family or how would they deal with life in Moscow even if they find the university environment very tempting. The post-doctoral fellowship program permits what you may call a “trial period”. This is a ten month period in which you come to Moscow and find out firsthand what it’s like to live here, what it’s like to work here in a lab, in a faculty, how are the students, etc. One can then make a more informed choice. At the end of those 10 months they might decide to go elsewhere to pursue their research agenda and, in that case, hopefully spread the good word about the increasingly serious research efforts of HSE.  Or they might be tempted to apply themselves for a tenure-year track position having been reassured while they were in their post-doctoral year. In fact this year with one of our postdocs in sociology we have had an applicant who made a decision to apply for a permanent position.

— Can you describe the international team of the HSE today?

— There are 34 people on international tenure-track contracts from all over the world who represent 14 different nationalities, as well as 4 post-doc fellows, and almost 60 other academic staff (Russian and foreigners) with PhDs from international research universities. HSE is a great place for professional growth and Moscow is one of the world’s great metropolises as a place to live. I’ve been here for more than a decade with my family and keep enjoying it.

See also:

HSE Staff Receive Acknowledgement Medals

Some HSE staff members have received ‘Acknowledgement’ medals for their professional achievements and hard work.

HSE Staff Members Receive Acknowledgement Medals

Following a directive of the Rector, key HSE staff members have been awarded ‘Acknowledgement’ medals for their high professional achievements and devotion to work.

Mikhail Blinkin Appointed Acting Dean at Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism

Mikhail Blinkin is one of Russia’s leading experts in urbanism, city planning, and urban transport. He has headed the HSE Institute for Transport Economics and Transport Policy Studies since 2011 and has been HSE Tenured Professor since 2013. In 2017, Mikhail Blinkin was the recipient of an HSE Honour Award 1st Class, as well as the Golden HSE award for Best Expert.

‘HSE Offers Solutions Aimed at the Future…’

On November 27, the HSE Academic Council held an awards ceremony dedicated to the university’s 25th anniversary. The meeting saw the participation of representatives of the Russian President, members of government, and members of the Russian Federal Assembly. Governmental awards were given to a number of HSE employees for their tremendous accomplishments.

HSE Staff Receive Commendations from President Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree for the commendation of prominent public and political figures. Andrey Zhulin, Vice Rector at HSE Perm, Galina Volodina, Director of HSE Perm, and Valeria Kasamara, HSE’s Senior Director for Government Relations, are among the figures mentioned in the decree.

Academic Inbreeding Is Particularly Widespread in Russia and Spain

In early 2015 Palgrave Macmillan will publish Academic Inbreeding and Mobility in Higher Education based on the results of a joint project by the HSE Centre for Institutional Studies and the Centre for International Higher Education, Boston College. Their conclusions were published in brief in an article on the Times Higher Education website.

Book Published About the Mythologisation of Western Values during Perestroika

A book entitled The Mythologies of Capitalism and the End of the Soviet Project by Associate Professor at the HSE Faculty of Media Communications Olga Baysha has been published by Lexington Books (United States).

The Happiness Researcher

5th September is the 80th birthday of the outstanding sociologist and political scientist Ronald Inglehart, Academic Supervisor of the HSE’s International Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR).

HSE Speaks English at HSE Day

Yulia Grinkevich, Director of Internationalization at HSE describes  English-language lectures at HSE Day.


professional development programmes were held by the Higher School of Economics for staff members during the first half of 2014. The programmes were in effect on all HSE campuses.